L'association 1901 - Not for profit school status

L'école est une association loi 1901, à but non lucratif. L'inscription d'un enfant entraine l'adhésion automatique de la famille à l'association.

La participation à l'assemblée générale permet aux parents d'orienter les évolutions futures et les choix concernant l'école.


The school is run as a not for profit school association. Registering your child means that you automatically become a member of our school family.


Our school administrators make up our Board of Governors and are current and past parents. Any major decisions about the school are discussed by members during our annual general assembly meetings during which parents help make decisions and ensure the healthy development of the school.


Coordonnées de l'école :

Ecole Montessori Bilingue Etre et découvrir

13 bis, rue Lecoq, Parc du Château

78860 Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche


N° Siret : 342 187 747 00049

N° RNA : W783000551


Projet Pédagogique, Règlement Intérieur et les Statuts // Pedagogical Project, Interior rules and bylaws of our school association

Document Adobe Acrobat 1.5 MB
Document Adobe Acrobat 193.3 KB
Statuts à jour au 09.02.2021.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 160.7 KB


Protection des données personnelles


Document Adobe Acrobat 168.9 KB

Le conseil d'administration / Board of governors

Le conseil d'administration est constitué d'administrateurs, parents ou anciens parents qui travaillent comme bénévoles pour gérer les aspects administratifs de l'association en collaboration avec la directrice de l'école.

The elected board of governors of the school  are composed of volunteer administrators who include parents or previous parents of the school. The board of governors oversee and support the head of school in relation to the administrative aspects of running the school. The board is currently made up of the following administrators

  • Rémi Gagliardi : Président / School Association President
  • Nathan Bellamy : Secretaire Général / General secretary
  • Alexandre David-Hine: Trésorière / Treasurer
  • Nicolas Orset :  Vice-trésorière / Vice-treasurer
  • James Lee : Board Member
  • Marine Patois-Broquet: Board Member

Engagement Associatif

Etre et Découvrir Bilingual Montessori School est une école privée indépendente. Elle est donc entièrement financée par les parents et les mécènes. Notre école est aussi une école associative, et l’engagement associatif de chacun est aussi important que l’engagement financier.


Pour faire vivre et dynamiser la vie scolaire au quotidien, un certain nombre de tâches sont donc réparties en commissions dans lesquelles chacun participe selon ses compétences. L’engagement associatif minimum concerne les fêtes, l'entretien du jardin (environ une fois par trimestre par famille) ou les travaux dans l'école. 


Our school is a private, independent international bilingual school. This means that it does not benefit from any state school funding nor government subsidies. As a result, the school is financed by families or donors who support the school. The school is also run as a not for profit association. Parents not only have an important role to play in ensuring that each family stays up to date with the payment of their school fees, but also in helping to ensure that the school's community thrives and in providing voluntary support when they are able to. 


Each school year, parents are provided with a wonderful array of voluntary activities and volunteer groups where they can choose how to make our school community even better by sharing their talents and skills, based on time and their own competencies. All parents are asked to offer some volunteer support to the school each term by helping with school events, gardening/leaf cleaning or school DIY or choose from a selection of other activities. 


AMF - L'école est membre de l'Association Montessori de France.


School is located in les Yvelines - 78  - West of Paris, France

Rentrée 2024

Pour la rentrée 2024, les inscriptions se déroulent à partir du 15 janvier 2024. Nous vous invitons à organiser une "visioconférence" ou une visite avec notre directrice.


>> Renseignements


Inscriptions possibles toute l'année.


Enrolment may occur during the school year subject to places being available.

2024 / 2025 Registrations

New pupil enrolment will be taking place from January 15th 2024 and throughout the school year subject to place availability.  Please arrange a video conference call or visit with our school director today to find out more.


>> Contact us

"N'élevons pas nos enfants pour le monde d'aujourd'hui, ce monde n'existera plus lorsqu'ils seront grands; préparons-les à celui de demain".

- Maria Montessori